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Trucking Alliance Pushing ELDs for Intrastate Drivers

Although many states are headed toward ELD requirements for intrastate drivers, it's not fast enough for the Trucking Alliance.

In a policy statement released July 20, 2018, the Trucking Alliance urges all states to adopt the federal ELD mandate for intrastate commercial drivers. The statement argues that the success of the mandate for interstate hauling, with a reduction of driver fatigue and HOS violations over the past six months, will have the same effect on in-state hauling.

"Since Congress required electronic logging devices in all interstate commercial trucks, to monitor the hours that truck drivers spend behind the wheel, violations are down dramatically," said Lane Kidd, managing director of the Trucking Alliance. "Truck drivers no longer have paper log books to manipulate and falsify," said Kidd, "and state legislatures should consider doing what Congress has done, and require all large trucks to install these devices to make sure drivers are obeying the law. Electronic logging devices should be as common in large trucks as seat belts are.”

Three large market states have already set deadlines for their in-state drivers to be ELD compliant. Florida is the earliest adopter, with a deadline set for the end of 2018. Texas has set a December 16, 2019 deadline. Both of these states are adopting the federal mandate almost as is, but they will keep their 12/15 hour drive/duty clocks. California is looking to pass their own ELD legislation by December 2020, but no progress has been reported.

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